Us :)

Sunday, 1 June 2008

Race for Life 2008

Today was the day that I had been dreading for the past week... The 5k Race for Life in aid of Cancer reseach uk! Like a complete moron and due to unforeseen circumstances I hadn't been able to do any training apart from one measly half hour walk around or big block lol. Being very aware of my unpreparedness, I wasn't really looking forward to the race and 15minutes before it was due to start I did indeed ask Dave if it was too late to back out... I AM SO GLAD THAT I DID!

I amazed even myself by completing the race in less than 50 minutes. This might have been due to the fact that I started the race, accidentally of course, in the runners area so had to run for a little while (until I felt

my lungs begging for mercy!) The runners soon passed me and I was then quite comfortably back in my league with the other walkers:) As I was walking I read the many pink pieces of paper that indicated who the runner was running for... I was almost crying reading them! So many people have been affected by cancer, either themselves or their relatives. One lady in front of me at the time had a paper that read "For my Mum and myself, 3 years clear." I can't even begin to describ the humility and the depth of gratitude that I felt at that moment for my life and most importantly my health. I walked in memory of My auntie Kath who died in 2002 and my auntie Vera who died ealry this April, both from cancer.

I loved every minute of the walk and already can't wait for next years
race! I have already talked my sister and mother-in-law into it too:) I like my shiney medal too, lol.

I just want to say well done to everyone that took part in Race for Life this year and my thoughts and prayers are with all those that are affected by cancer.