Well, another week has drawn to a close. This is the round up of my week...
What did I learn this week? I am far too impatient! I need to correct this ASAP! I have also learnt that if I don't particularly like someone I can actually be quite rude to them. I don't like this part of me. On a good note though, I have learnt that I really can accomplish anything I put my mind to - even if it is just to try and prove a certain someone wrong (mentioning no names, ahem Mr Poisoned Dwarf!) And, that I really must look a bit younger than I really am:) I like this part of me, hehe.
Did I try anything new this week? Erm... I actually don't know, lol. I did try and start knitting again but I have once again forgotten how to cast on. I'm not the brightest crayon in the box! Ooh, I also made home made bread for the first time. It was yummy!
My funniest moment of the week: So, my dear Dave and I were talking about the possibility of maybe going to Dublin for his birthday in Feb and I said that we would have to hire a car because the airport is forever outside of Dublin centre. We carried on talking about it when about 5minutes later Dave said "Why do we have to fly? Can't we just get the train?" Seriously, I think a little bit of wee came out because I was laughing so hard! But, what was even worse is that my sister, Stephanie, couldn't even figure out what was wrong with Dave's statement!!!!!
My highlight of the week: Boy, this takes me back to the mission days:) My highlight was probably being able to spend so much time with Dave this week. It's been fab to be able to see him and laugh and play:)
My plans for next week: There is a project starting in our ward this week called Operation Christmas Child which is being run by The Samaritans (I think) Its where you fill a shoe box with toys, hat and scarf, generally things a child would like and send it as a Christmas gift to a child in a war-torn/poverty hit country through the Samaritans. We have decided that we are going to do this as our way of sharing our blessings with others and also of living the gospel more fully. Also, today we went to a charity bungee ball jump. A couple of people from work were taking part for the Pendlebury Children's Hospital charity. Rodney and Becki are very brave! Dave was at the ready to jump in if anyone backed out:) Bless...
Anyway, enough for now. I hope you all have a fab week:) Kxx

Us :)
Sunday, 19 October 2008
The end of another week.
Posted by Kerrin and Dave at 12:57
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I love this idea, I really like the reflection on the week idea and the Dublin story is so funny!!!! I love it so much.
You don't have to act like you like someone if you don't. It's okay not to be fake. I suppose you should be nice but you don't need to carryon a conversation or act like your interested in someone or something that your not. It's okay girlfriend. I can be rude too....I have to work on that everyday. There is this girl in my class I really don't like. I've dealt with her for a full year and, well...I don't like her. When school started again, I just don't talk to her. I feel so much less stress. That way I'm not acting or being something I'm not and we don't fight. :)
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