How do you pronounce your name?
Actually, I get this question all the time. It's pronounced Keh-rin
Do you know a kid named David?
Adult kids yeah, not so many toddlers...
What about Francis?
No, that's an awful name!
Who was the last person to make you laugh?
Was I laughing with them or at them?
Do you think your last ex deserves to die?
nah, I couldn't actually care any less, sorry
Who was the last person you hung out with?
I'll have you know I am hip and cool and am hanging out right now... Kinda.
Have you kissed someone in the past week?
I would hope so since I'm wedded
Will your next kiss be a mistake?
Not unless it's Dave :)
Who was the last person you talked to in person?
Dave or John, can't remember who spoke last...
What was the last thing he/she yelled at you for?
Please, no one yells at me! I'd beat them up, lol
In Winter, would you rather wear jackets or hoodies?
hoodies - I love hoodies.
Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
I'm too tired to care really
Who did you last call babe/baby?
I don't use those, they are either a pig's name or a character from Dirty Dancing!
Where are your siblings?
at home, presumably
When was the last time you cried?
Friday, i think.
If you were to die today would your life be complete?
NO. I find it hard to believe that many people WOULD think their lives were complete, regardless of when they die.
Have you ever churned butter?
There isn't really much call for that in this day and age...
If you found out you couldn't have kids, would you adopt?
Definitely! I want a chinese baby:)
Do you regret dating anyone you dated?
No, I learnt valuable lessons from each one!
Is anything wrong with your eyes?
Well... Where do I start? I am short sighted in one eye (right) and long sighted in the other (left)... One eye is shaped like a rugby ball (right) and the other (left) like a football (and yes, that really is how my optician explained it to me!)
Do you wear eyeliner?
Do your siblings dye their hair?
My sister does
Do you throw your candy wrappers away?
Don't tell me I was supposed to keep them?! Does that mean I have to eat another 27yrs worth of chocolate on top so that I can make up for the wrappers I threw away???????
Do you write notes on your hand?
All the time, I'm a proper skeg!
Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?
Practically every girl I've ever met that was born in the 80's. Even my cousin has the same middle name!
Last movie you watched?
Erm... Definitely, maybe
Where did you sleep last night?
In my bed, funnily enough.
Have you been on anyones facebook account besides your own?
Yeah, but they asked me to!
When is the last time you were in a swimming pool?
September. Want the exact date??? it was the 12th, lol
Have you ever fallen backwards on a chair?
Many times, unfortunately! lol, much to other peoples amusement:) I aim to please
Did you take a nap today?
No, I didn't actually today. That's probably why I'm pooped at 9:30 pm!
Are you happy right now?
On the inside, yes:)
What do you feel like watching?
The Gilmore Girls but Dave and John have hijacked the tv :(
How do right handed people write?
Er, with their right hands? Is tat a trick question?????
Do you get annoyed when you see some sort of bug flying around?
Not really. Unless it's a fly, I hate flies!! Dirty pests!
Who was the last person you texted?
My mother
What's on your mind right now?
How much longer these questions are going to carry on...
How many pillows do you sleep with?
3. I like pillows:)
What are you drinking right now?
Pepsi Max, it's all about the Pepsi Max!
What kind of shirt are you wearing?
Which one? I have a white 3/4 sleeve top under a bright green jersey t-shirt.
Feel free to complete this thing yourselves:)

Us :)
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
The most randomest quiz thing, EVER!
Posted by Kerrin and Dave at 13:12
Labels: reader participation
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