So, Looking through each of the blogs on our blog-link, I realised that each blogger brought a memory back to me that warmed me and reminded me how I love them all. I don't think you all know each other but I'm going to share my memories of some of them with you so that you can see for yourself how amazing these people are and why I feel the way I do about them...
First of all, there is Becky and Ian. They are married (You prob guessed that!) I remember for some crazy Swinton ward activity, Becky convinced us that it would be socially alright for a group of us to perform a dance to 'Car wash' in front of everyone. She was so excited about it and so enthusiastic that she made us excited for it too. Ian, he makes me laugh! Although... I remember we used to go to Blackpool for another friends' birthday every year and every year I an would hurt himself in some way. The most memorable would be when he fell off a very high object (the kerb) and either broke or sprained his ankle and then couldn't drive home. Funny boy... They are a fantastic couple and I am so glad that they are so happy together:)
Eden & Spencer are married too and even though I have never met Spencer, he would have to be amazing to win a girl like Eden! I have several memories of Eden... Si Min talking with her mouth full and Eden and I not being able to move for laughing so hard... Being asked by Sister Boone to fetch something from the car. We were told it was in the passenger side and without even thinking about it, Eden went to the front right hand door and I to the left, both thinking we were going to the passenger side... Eden is one of the most giving people I know. She truly would do anything for anyone. She was my lovely host on my last trip to Utah and I love her for it! She'll be happy to know that next time I'll be able to drive her everywhere

I also love how close her family is! They are awesome!
Karen! One of my best friends! I have soooooooo many memories with Karen it's hard to choose one... It was great to see how much we had both grown when we came together after both of us serving our missions. Karen served in Ireland and I in Singapore and even thought they were such culturally different missions, we both came home being able to share our testimonies with each other and being able to strengthen the other to live their testimony. I have only met her husband David a few times and I remember him being utterly disgusted with me and our other best friends on our first meeting, lol. Funny... Sorry David!
Krista has taught me so much that I doubt she even realises how much! She taught me so much about the gospel and how to work it into our daily lives, how to work hard, how to talk to people and how to have fun!!!! I will never forget Krista telling everyone in the K.L. branch that I was a tap dancer and that they should persuade me to do it for the branch talent show! Also her sitting on Santa's lap... Poor Brother Archibald! Haha
Liz, I sometimes thought we would be 'eternally' companions since our mission presidents seemed to like to put us together so much! Liz' brain is amazing! She knows EVERYTHING, seriously! Ask her a question, any question, and she will really know the answer to it! And she is so creative when teaching, very inspiring. And, she is going to be a mommy soon to baby Levi. I am so excited for her and Matt.
Neal was a missionary in the Singapore mission at the same time as I was. I remember being sat in the mission office with him not long after his fathers funeral and I remember thinking how great his testimony of the plan of salvation must have been while he sat there talking with me.
Gosh, I've known Rachel since I was about 6!! She is all things crafty. I was reminiscing the other day and my funniest Rachel moment HAS to be when we were parked outside my mums house in a mini-bus (I think it was something to do with camp) and upon driving off the door hadn't been closed properly and Rachel suddenly ended up out of the door and rolling down Chatsworth Road in the same direction as the mini-bus! Obviously we were all very concerned at the time but in hind sight, it makes me chuckle. Very Bond-esque!!
And Last but certainly not least... Vicky and Dave are the coolest of the cool people that I know! Poor Vicky is my Dave's only female cousin (how she survived with all boys I'll never know.) I remember their wedding and them having a caely (?) band and dancing for their reception. It was so cool to see the bride throwing herself around dancing, I was most entertained. That's my kind of party!! Her husband Dave is great. At another wedding (my brother-in-law's) the DJ played 'house of fun' by Madness and Dave, my Dave and Vicky's brother Gareth all seemed to jump up from different points in the room, race onto the dance floor and start doing scarr dancing (is that grammatically correct?) which I thought was the funniest thing I had seen in a long time. Vicky and Dave are such a fantastic couple, I am so happy to be related to them and call them my family. They also have a wee bambino on the way although we don't know if this one is a boy or girl. However, Dave and I are so very excited for this little one to come along, you would think it was ours!!!! hehe
And they, good people, are the friends that I love dearly!
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