Us :)

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Bring back Blue Peter...

I absolutely adore crafting! I am never happier than when I am making a birthday card or a gift for a loved one. This week it was Uncle Doug's birthday and also his wife's, Auntie Sue. I made both of their cards (I will actually post them another time since I can't figure out how to get them from my mobile phone onto my computer with the rest of my pics.) Hand made cards are so much nicer. How much effort really goes into buying a card? Choose it+write it+send it=easy peasy! I love the fact that I can capture my thoughts and love for a person in each card, a personal gift from me to them, that they can keep and look back on and know that I really care for them.

Here are some of the cards that I have made for loved ones:

They aren't very good pictures but what more do you expect? lol.

I hope that when people receive a card from me they know how much I care for them and how much I hope they have a fantastic birthday!!!:)


Rae said...

woooo hoooo! fist comment! YEAH! welcome to blogger! ;-) keep up the crafting!