Us :)

Friday, 16 May 2008

Happy times...

On May 15th 1829, Joseph Smith the prophet and Oliver Cowdery were baptised as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 164 years and 1 day later, on May 16th 1993, I was baptised a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints too. I cannot believe that it was 15 years ago today! Time passes so quickly... On the one hand, it feels as though it was just a few years ago but on the other, it seems to have been my whole life.


accts4mjs said...

Whoa. 15 years ago?! That's crazy, now you're making me feel old :)

Thanks for the link to your blog Kerrin, it'll be fantastic to read up on your family. I especially love hearing you use "English" words, I do miss England and look forward to a return visit someday.
