Us :)

Friday, 13 June 2008

Friday 13th June, 2008

So, look at the date above and just ignore the month and year... Yes, it's Friday 13th! Now, I'm not superstitious by any stretch of the imagination, I just think it's a load of plain old codswhallop and plus I'm just far too lazy to walk around the ladder or step out of the path of that pretty black cat because I'd rather stroke the kitten if I'm being honest. But then today happened... Last night at 11:35pm (yes I was awake but only because we're still off work) everything in the world was fine and dandy. In the time between then and now (it's 3:15pm now so it's not a great amount of time) Dave and I have argued and are still not at one with each other, we have been followed to the supermarket by a police car -AND BACK AGAIN! (the numb-nut even waited at a green light for us to catch up to him so he could carry on following us!)- I got paid today and to be brutally frank, Tesco needn't have bothered (no thanks to Terry Leahy!) so now I can't afford to buy those pretty pens and papers that I've had my beady eye on, so now I am in a bad mood and think that all the rest of the Friday 13th's in my life are going to be just as bad, if not worse! I know, I KNOW... I'm whinging! I need chocolate but I'm on a diet too... I really don't like today at all!