Today we have been very busy indeed! I can't spell for toffee, but we've been busy!
One of my friends from work has started working at the big cinema near our house and he can get us into the cinema for FREE! I'm LDS, I like free! Heck I'm human, I like free!!!!! hehe. So, our day started by going to the bank and then onto the cinema for the matinee showing of Indiana Jones and the Crystal skull (or whatever the chuff it's called!) I won't let any of you waste your time by going to see this tripe, it's awful! Actually, it wasn't as bad as I make it sound... It was actually quite good until I realised the ending and the entire storyline was infact about aliens. I switched off when I realised that! I'm not an alien lovin', sky watching, abduction believing kinda girl.
Then we went to watch Stretford Pageant and the Rose Queens (Stretford is still stuck in the 1900's!) but we realised that by the time we had gotten out of the cinema it had infact, already finished nevermind started without us! So we just went to the fair instead:) But we had no pennies so we had an ice cream and left, lol. We are lightweights, it's true!
Then, and this is the most exciting part of the day and my highlight, we went housing hunting! WooT WooT! We found a gorgeous little house not far from my work and I fell in love with it instantly. Have you ever looked at a house and seen your future there? I could see Dave and I living there and being very happy. I'm going to be absolutely gutted if we can't have it:( Pray for us!!! hehe... If you do you can come to our house warming party!! WooT!
So, it's been a good week. Apart from work, I hate work! I wish I was a lady of leisure, lol. Then I could make cards and blog all the day long:D That would be fab... Well, a girl can dream if she wants!

Us :)
Saturday, 28 June 2008
Posted by Kerrin and Dave at 14:43
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