So... (I'll just go right out and say it) I crashed the car yesterday!!!!! I know, I'm stupid, lol, but I think the wall saw me coming and then jumped forward a couple of feet. Of course, it clearly wasn't my fault! My stupid right foot thought it was on the brake when, in fact, it was quite clearly on the clutch which evidently doesn't make the slightest bit of difference when you're hurtling towards a wall! Anyway, I'm still alive, as you can no doubt see. My poor car however... It's poorly:( It has a big 'boo-boo' on the bonnet and the poor licence plate is as bent as Michael Barrymore - NOT GOOD! However, I'm sure glad the car was mine and not the wall. That was obviously made by cowboys in the first place as when I hit it (does that count as liability???) it kinda doubled over like a person suffering from appendicitis. Poor wall... Anyway, after hitting the wall a whole new drama began. The person that the wall belonged to called the police (I've never done anything against the law in my LIFE!)
AND! My beautiful house that I wanted and so clearly needed has gone! Somebody else will be living within her four walls:( Yesterday was a sad day...
I have decided to put an end to my stupid diet blog too... That just isn't working out. Lol, I told you I was a bad dieter, don't act surprised! Today I have been quite good though... I had Special K (that's my other name! lol) for my breakfast, then fruits for my lunch - a banana, an apple and about 50gazillion cherries which apparently make your tongue buzz if you eat so many!

Us :)
Monday, 30 June 2008
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Kerrin, you are amazing. Sometimes I forget just how much I miss you and then I read my blog and I remember all of the fun times, and what a total scream you are. I am sorry that you did not get your house and that you drove into a wall! That is rubbish! But I am sure that the wall deserved it actually!! ;) Keep up the good work on the blog - it is brill and I love reading about all of your exciting adventures!!!
In all honesty, I didn't drive into the wall because we didn't get that house. Just to clear up any confusion...:D
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