Us :)
Monday, 7 May 2012
Our Boysies
Thursday, 19 May 2011
Just for Krista ;)
Hi Krista!!!! Hehehehe
Posted by Kerrin and Dave at 16:07 1 comments
Thursday, 6 January 2011
Well, well... The wonders of modern technology!
So, I just found an app on my iPhone that let's me update my blog without logging onto the laptop - FABULOUS!! I have such a hard time finding time to get onto the laptop that this new app is just too good to be true for me. Yes. My life is THAT exciting!! :D
Posted by Kerrin and Dave at 03:09 0 comments
Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Posted by Kerrin and Dave at 05:36 1 comments
Sunday, 25 July 2010
As promised....
Posted by Kerrin and Dave at 14:26 0 comments
Monday, 5 July 2010
Hey, hey, HEY!!!
"WHOOP WHOOP" you hear me say? We have a new (and very much improved) laptop and now I am able to update you all on our very exciting yet simple lives without it taking up half of a day just to get blogger to come up on the flippin' screen!!
So, things are gooooooooooooood in the Royley household. We are mostly well, we aren't that wealthy but we certainly are happy.
SETH HAS A TOOTHY PEG!!!! We are very pleased to see it after all of the tears it has caused so far. It's almost beautiful to look at (I'm sure only a mother could say that!) ***So, just a word of caution...*** If you and Seth are ever sat playing together and he grabs your hand, you might want to release his grip before you have a severed finger :)
Anyway, when I finally get some recent pics uploaded I will definitely pop some on here for you to gander at.
We hope you are all well and we look forward to seeing/ hearing from you soon.
Posted by Kerrin and Dave at 15:07 0 comments
Friday, 5 February 2010
My Setharoo....
Posted by Kerrin and Dave at 03:41 3 comments
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Hello, hello... I finally have some time to update this old thing. So, I was going to to tell you about my labour. I hope nobody reading this is squeamish!! Haha, just kidding.......
So, I don't know how they do it everywhere else but if you go 10 days past your due date here in Manchester then you are booked into the maternity unit to be induced. Guess what? I went 10 days late, imagine that! So I rolled up at the hospital, bright eyed and bushy tailed on Wednesday 30th December at 8am ready to meet my baby boy within the next few hours. Can you tell from that last sentence that Seth is my first baby and that I was totally naive?! Seriously...
At 10am the Dr gave me my first dose of prostin gel to start of my labour. It didn't work! So 6 hours later they checked me over and I was only 1cm dilated so they gave me my 2nd dose of prostin. That was at 5pm and at 9:30pm my contractions started... OH. MY. GOODNESS!!!! I don't quite know how I was imagining labour to start but I honestly didn't think the contractions would start off so painful! They started at exactly 3 minutes apart and I thought the boy was going to burst through my stomach in a re-enactment of 'Alien' or something. However, at my next check up at 12am I was only 2cm dilated... So much fun! I spent that night not sleeping but either pacing around the room with my iPod on or on the birthing ball, bouncing like a maniac, trying to find some comfort. So, finally 6am came around and yet another check up and guess what... I had gone back to 1cm! What the...?! I didn't know you could UN-dilate but apparently I CAN!!! So, the lovely Dr (I use the term 'lovely' loosely!) decided that they would wait the 24 hours that they had to and start all over again with the prostin gel... NICE! So, I lay there, my contractions still every 2 to 3 minutes apart but still not dilating... I was not a happy bunny to say the least. However, someone somewhere was obviously touched by the Holy Ghost (in answer to my desperate prayers) and made that fantastic decision that since the contractions weren't stopping or slowing down then I had to go to the delivery suite. So, at 10:30pm on Thursday 31st (New Years eve), I was wheeled down. I will love that person FOREVER! It was a fab New Years eve though, haha. Dave and I saw the fireworks out of the window and got to watch all of the celebrations from around the world on the TV. But, best of all, we got to spend it together, just us two, waiting for our boy to arrive.
Anyway, back to around 11pm... I was told by the midwife to suck on the gas and air. BIG mistake! I have suffered from seizures since childhood and the feeling that I got from the gas and air made me feel the way I feel just before I have a seizure so I only tried two gulps of the stuff and that was enough for me to never want to try it again! However, because of my seizures, the Dr on duty allowed me to go straight for an epidural before the pain got any worse. So, I did! They had to break my waters for me (a not so private moment!) However, the epidural was only in for about 2 hours when I started to feel the most horrendous pain I had ever felt in my life (I sound really soft but I'm not even exaggerating!!! ha ha) so the epidural-man put another one in and it worked a treat. All I remember from the next 4-ish hours after that was watching comedy programmes on the TV and laughing but thinking that the midwife probably thought that I was nuts because I was in labour but laughing... Oh well.... :)
At about 7am the midwives changed and the midwife that had conducted the antenatal/parent craft classes came to take over. Well, Dave was over the moon about this and to be quite honest so was I since we knew and trusted her. She was lovely!!!! I actually still think that part of the end decision was down to her!
At around 10am the Dr came to examine me and I was only 3cm. I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 flippin' centimetre in 12 flippin' hours?!?!?!?!?! Me=Not happy! However, every time I had a contraction, the baby's heartbeat was dropping during the contraction but then going back up again afterwards. They weren't too worried about this but they were keeping an eye on it to monitor how things progressed. By 12pm the baby's heartbeat was dropping AFTER each contraction which apparently wasn't good at all. To make things better, I was only 4cm dilated (at least I wasn't UN-dilating anymore!!!) So, at about 12:15pm the Dr told me that the baby's heartbeat was dropping quite significantly and so I had to have a caesarean section and Seth was born 33 minutes later!!! That's how quick they whipped us into theatre and whipped the boy out! I was so glad that the contractions were over though!!! Ha ha... And that Seth was OK, of course!!!
But, as they say, that was history... :) It's all good now. I have tried to upload a couple of pics of Seth but my laptop it being really silly tonight :( He is happy and healthy and having some 'Daddy time' at the moment.
We were in the paper though! Here are the links... http://www.messengernewspapers.co.uk/news/4831656.Last_New_Year_baby_at_Trafford_General_Hospital/ and http://www.metronews.co.uk/news/s/1188424_hey_baby_what_a_start_to_the_year Please excuse (and do not ever comment on) my photo! Dave and Seth look fab :)
Posted by Kerrin and Dave at 13:40 0 comments
Saturday, 9 January 2010
Posted by Kerrin and Dave at 06:44 1 comments
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
I'm not being rude...
Honest!!!!! The baby just hasn't come yet. I think it wants to stay in there forever!! But, worry not, news and pictures will be on here when s/he finally makes his/her arrival!
Posted by Kerrin and Dave at 13:29 2 comments
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
HOW EXCITING IS THIS?! I cannot actually believe that it is December and that Little Royle is going to be here so soon (apparently in 18 days, according to my baby ticker up the top!) Back on April 25th when we found out that he/she was coming, December seemed so far away, almost an eternity... IT'S NOT!!! I am so very excited. And, I can't quite believe that I am going to be a mummy either... So bizarre! Do I strike you as the mummy type??? Didn't think so, haha :) Anyway, that's it... That's all I have to say today...
Posted by Kerrin and Dave at 06:15 0 comments
Monday, 16 November 2009
Only 5 weeks to go...

Posted by Kerrin and Dave at 01:38 2 comments
Sunday, 23 August 2009
Hidyho people... This is a pic of our little bambino at (almost) 23wks. We had to go back to the sonographer for a re-scan as the baby was being awkward and wouldnt let the poor woman complete all of the checks that she needed to do. We also weren't able to find out what sex the baby is since he/she wouldnt show it's bits. However, this time we could!!!!! The baby was very well behaved and the lucky lady didnt even need to mess around trying to get it.
Good news (just for me though...) The morning sickness seems to be slowing down quite a bit now. I'm VERY happy about that!! So, I am finally at a part in the pregnancy where I am starting to enjoy being in the 'mum club' and we are very excited to meet Little Royle. Only 119 days to go apparently, lol.
Anyway, just thought I would give you all a quick update... Hope you are all grand!!! Kxxx
Posted by Kerrin and Dave at 07:57 1 comments
Thursday, 16 July 2009
June/July update...
Howdy dudes :) Just thought I would put a little 'picture' of baby Royle up for you to see. Please don't be to scared by the fact that he/she looks like a billy goat, I've been assured that he/she will not still look like this when he/she is born! It's a bit of an old picture... It was from the dating scan which was back in May but we have the anomoly (?) scan in 3weeks so I'll put the updated pic up then.
We have always said that we are not going to find out what sex the baby is, we both really want the complete surprise when he/she is born. One of us should win though - I want a boy and Dave wants a girl (hopefully, we won't BOTH win!!!) Either way, we had names picked out then we changed our minds and had new names set but then we changed our minds again... I wonder how long these names will stick? :)
Anyway, nothing really much is new in our lives. Dave has a new job and already it seems so much better than his old place. His new line manager seems really nice and his big boss is happy to help Dave settle in however he can, even by taking him to a chinese buffet for lunch! I did ask if wives were invited too but apparently not... Sucks! :)
I am sleeping alot... I'm missing so much of life! I slept for a whole 17hrs last sunday. YES! 17hrs in ONE day, thats just shocking and ridiculous! I have to point out though that I have never done this before, even when I have been ill I have never done that. Just so that you kow that I am not lazy... Well, I am but not THAT lazy.
Anyway, hope you are all well and keeping yourselves happy! Kx
Posted by Kerrin and Dave at 05:38 0 comments
Friday, 5 June 2009
Bring out the trumpets!!!
so, for our big news... WE'RE HAVING A BABY!!!! Woohoo:) Our due date is December 20th... Lets just hope and pray that I don't go into labour in the middle of Christmas dinner! Hehe.
Posted by Kerrin and Dave at 03:15 4 comments
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Well, well...
I have been a blogger for over a year now. Not a very good one but hey ho:)
So, Dave's job is SAFE!! We have been truly blessed just lately. His current company had set out a date by which he was to be gone, having found another job of course. BUT! That company has just been taken over by a very well established national company and things are looking pretty rosey for the near future. Obviously, being Dave, he still wants a new job but at least he isn't being forced out.
I got an italian charm bracelet for my birthday and I love it! It has Hello Kitty faces on it and it is adorable... I am trying to upload a photo but it's not playing today, grumpy-chops laptop!
Anyway, just thought I would say hello since I am bored at the moment and somewhat immobile. Hope you're all grand!
Posted by Kerrin and Dave at 05:00 0 comments
Saturday, 2 May 2009
A whole month! Can't you just tell how very exciting we are?! Hehe...
April didn't really hold much for us. Actually, I say that then I realise quite a few things happened! First it was Easter (one of my favourite holidays, of course, because it's all chocolatey nice), then General Conference which I thought was fab. We also had a very special visitor to our stake on 19th April, President Boyd K. Packer. It was great to have him in our stake and to be with him while he spoke to us. He is a great man! And it was my birthday!!! WHOOP! I am old now though... (sob sob) We went to Alton Towers for a couple of days. It turned into a bit of a wash out with the rain and other things but I'll tell you about all that another time. We stayed over at the hotel there which was lovely, a very nice hotel indeed!
I can't upload any pics from April though because our laptop is a bit rubbish at the moment - it's reminiscent of a stroppy teenager!
Posted by Kerrin and Dave at 02:50 0 comments
Monday, 23 March 2009
I love this one...
Here are the rules:
The first three people to comment on this post will get something homemade by me! I guarantee you will love it, or at least that you will tell me you love it regardless.
It'll be done this year at some point.
The homemade gift could be anything (the air of mystery is what makes this thing exciting!) It may be a story. It may be poetry or a pasta. I may draw or paint something. I may bake you something and post it to you. I might even cut a CD of my own lovely voice singing a selection of my favourite numbers. Who knows? Not you, and at this point, not me either.
Last but not least, you must continue this little game by reposting the offer of a secret homemade gift to the first 3 people who comment on your blog. The first 3 people to do so win a homemade gift by me that money can’t buy! Oh, and be sure to post a picture of what you win when you get it (so those who weren’t fast enough to win can be horribly jealous).
Posted by Kerrin and Dave at 12:49 6 comments
Saturday, 14 March 2009
What is going on?
I don't quite know what is up with the world. I'm not that political. All I know is that the world turning into a bleak place right now and our little family is about to be hit by the (dare I utter the words...) RECESSION!
So, this is my list of things that need doing this week:
*Find Davey a new job!!!!!
*Work over time, if such a thing exists in my work anymore! lol
*Sort out my house (Just in case we have to move lol. It'll be easier to pack!)
*Get my options moving along so then I can go on my placement and get signed off quicker.
Wish me luck!!!!
*Hi-ho-hi-ho, it's off to work I go...........*
Posted by Kerrin and Dave at 14:24 2 comments
Sunday, 22 February 2009
Aha, here we go... (now I feel right dim for complaining!! hehe)
I just wanted to post a couple of pictures that we took over the weekend. My two granddads died when I was young. My granddad Kenny died when I was 8yrs old and my granddad Roy when I was 12yrs old. (Ha, I just thought... My G. Kenny died when I was at the age the church allows children to be baptised and my G. Roy when I actually was baptised. How very coinsidental?!) Anyway, since I was quite young at the time I wasn't allowed to attend their funerals. And since I hate cemeteries I have never been back to their graves... Well, we went yesterday!
Kenny wasn't actually my granddad. He was my step-fathers dad but I loved him to bits and pieces and he loved me, lol. I was his spoilt princess. Only having sons, I was the only girl child he was ever around. I think he might have been secretly a little miffed since I was a tomboy at that age, hehe :) He was a good man, I wish so much that he was still around!
My favourite memory of him involves shopping, shock horror! I used to go and stay with him every weekend and he would take me out and buy me things (I told you he spoilt me!) Well, I remember going shopping one sunday on a market and one stall sold socks. They had every kind of sock you could think of in every colour. My granddad wanted to buy me some white socks for school but I wanted these bright green, neon, day-glo socks and he was having none of it! So, me, in my ever so charming way said "Well if I can't have those [the green ones] I don't want any at all!" All I remember then is getting a phone call from my mum later on that afternoon telling me to never be that rude again and that I should be grateful he wanted to even buy me the school socks... hehe:) I also remember him doing the moonwalk to Michael Jackson songs at my mum and step-dads wedding:)
This is his "patch" as I called it. He was cremated (which I'm not so keen on.)

Posted by Kerrin and Dave at 11:33 0 comments